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- /* This is part of libio/iostream, providing -*- C++ -*- input/output.
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
- This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
- software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, if you link this library with files
- compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
- the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
- the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- #ifndef _IOSTREAM_H
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- #pragma interface
- #endif
- #define _IOSTREAM_H
- #include <streambuf.h>
- extern "C++" {
- class istream; class ostream;
- typedef ios& (*__manip)(ios&);
- typedef istream& (*__imanip)(istream&);
- typedef ostream& (*__omanip)(ostream&);
- extern istream& ws(istream& ins);
- extern ostream& flush(ostream& outs);
- extern ostream& endl(ostream& outs);
- extern ostream& ends(ostream& outs);
- class ostream : virtual public ios
- {
- // NOTE: If fields are changed, you must fix _fake_ostream in stdstreams.C!
- void do_osfx();
- public:
- ostream() { }
- ostream(streambuf* sb, ostream* tied=NULL);
- int opfx() {
- if (!good()) return 0;
- else { if (_tie) _tie->flush(); _IO_flockfile(_strbuf); return 1;} }
- void osfx() { _IO_funlockfile(_strbuf);
- if (flags() & (ios::unitbuf|ios::stdio))
- do_osfx(); }
- ostream& flush();
- ostream& put(char c) { _strbuf->sputc(c); return *this; }
- /* Temporary binary compatibility. REMOVE IN NEXT RELEASE. */
- ostream& put(unsigned char c) { return put((char)c); }
- ostream& put(signed char c) { return put((char)c); }
- #endif
- ostream& write(const char *s, streamsize n);
- ostream& write(const unsigned char *s, streamsize n)
- { return write((const char*)s, n);}
- ostream& write(const signed char *s, streamsize n)
- { return write((const char*)s, n);}
- ostream& write(const void *s, streamsize n)
- { return write((const char*)s, n);}
- ostream& seekp(streampos);
- ostream& seekp(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- streampos tellp();
- ostream& form(const char *format ...);
- ostream& vform(const char *format, _IO_va_list args);
- ostream& operator<<(char c);
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
- ostream& operator<<(signed char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
- ostream& operator<<(const char *s);
- ostream& operator<<(const unsigned char *s)
- { return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
- ostream& operator<<(const signed char *s)
- { return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
- ostream& operator<<(const void *p);
- ostream& operator<<(int n);
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned int n);
- ostream& operator<<(long n);
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned long n);
- #if defined(__GNUC__)
- __extension__ ostream& operator<<(long long n);
- __extension__ ostream& operator<<(unsigned long long n);
- #endif
- ostream& operator<<(short n) {return operator<<((int)n);}
- ostream& operator<<(unsigned short n) {return operator<<((unsigned int)n);}
- #if _G_HAVE_BOOL
- ostream& operator<<(bool b) { return operator<<((int)b); }
- #endif
- ostream& operator<<(double n);
- ostream& operator<<(float n) { return operator<<((double)n); }
- ostream& operator<<(long double n);
- #else
- ostream& operator<<(long double n) { return operator<<((double)n); }
- #endif
- ostream& operator<<(__omanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
- ostream& operator<<(__manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
- ostream& operator<<(streambuf*);
- streambuf* ostreambuf() const { return _strbuf; }
- #endif
- };
- class istream : virtual public ios
- {
- // NOTE: If fields are changed, you must fix _fake_istream in stdstreams.C!
- protected:
- _IO_size_t _gcount;
- int _skip_ws();
- public:
- istream(): _gcount (0) { }
- istream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=NULL);
- istream& get(char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n');
- istream& get(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& get(char& c);
- istream& get(unsigned char& c) { return get((char&)c); }
- istream& getline(char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n');
- istream& getline(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& get(signed char& c) { return get((char&)c); }
- istream& get(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& getline(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
- { return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
- istream& read(char *ptr, streamsize n);
- istream& read(unsigned char *ptr, streamsize n)
- { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
- istream& read(signed char *ptr, streamsize n)
- { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
- istream& read(void *ptr, streamsize n)
- { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
- istream& get(streambuf& sb, char delim = '\n');
- istream& gets(char **s, char delim = '\n');
- int ipfx(int need = 0) {
- if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
- else {
- _IO_flockfile(_strbuf);
- if (_tie && (need == 0 || rdbuf()->in_avail() < need)) _tie->flush();
- if (!need && (flags() & ios::skipws)) return _skip_ws();
- else return 1;
- }
- }
- int ipfx0() { // Optimized version of ipfx(0).
- if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
- else {
- _IO_flockfile(_strbuf);
- if (_tie) _tie->flush();
- if (flags() & ios::skipws) return _skip_ws();
- else return 1;
- }
- }
- int ipfx1() { // Optimized version of ipfx(1).
- if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
- else {
- _IO_flockfile(_strbuf);
- if (_tie && rdbuf()->in_avail() == 0) _tie->flush();
- return 1;
- }
- }
- void isfx() { _IO_funlockfile(_strbuf); }
- int get() { if (!ipfx1()) return EOF;
- else { int ch = _strbuf->sbumpc();
- if (ch == EOF) set(ios::eofbit);
- return ch;
- } }
- int peek();
- _IO_size_t gcount() { return _gcount; }
- istream& ignore(int n=1, int delim = EOF);
- int sync ();
- istream& seekg(streampos);
- istream& seekg(streamoff, _seek_dir);
- streampos tellg();
- istream& putback(char ch) {
- if (good() && _strbuf->sputbackc(ch) == EOF) clear(ios::badbit);
- return *this;}
- istream& unget() {
- if (good() && _strbuf->sungetc() == EOF) clear(ios::badbit);
- return *this;}
- istream& scan(const char *format ...);
- istream& vscan(const char *format, _IO_va_list args);
- istream& unget(char ch) { return putback(ch); }
- int skip(int i);
- streambuf* istreambuf() const { return _strbuf; }
- #endif
- istream& operator>>(char*);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned char* p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
- istream& operator>>(signed char*p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
- istream& operator>>(char& c);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
- istream& operator>>(signed char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
- istream& operator>>(int&);
- istream& operator>>(long&);
- #if defined(__GNUC__)
- __extension__ istream& operator>>(long long&);
- __extension__ istream& operator>>(unsigned long long&);
- #endif
- istream& operator>>(short&);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned int&);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned long&);
- istream& operator>>(unsigned short&);
- #if _G_HAVE_BOOL
- istream& operator>>(bool&);
- #endif
- istream& operator>>(float&);
- istream& operator>>(double&);
- istream& operator>>(long double&);
- istream& operator>>( __manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
- istream& operator>>(__imanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
- istream& operator>>(streambuf*);
- };
- class iostream : public istream, public ostream
- {
- public:
- iostream() { }
- iostream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=NULL);
- };
- class _IO_istream_withassign : public istream {
- public:
- _IO_istream_withassign& operator=(istream&);
- _IO_istream_withassign& operator=(_IO_istream_withassign& rhs)
- { return operator= (static_cast<istream&> (rhs)); }
- };
- class _IO_ostream_withassign : public ostream {
- public:
- _IO_ostream_withassign& operator=(ostream&);
- _IO_ostream_withassign& operator=(_IO_ostream_withassign& rhs)
- { return operator= (static_cast<ostream&> (rhs)); }
- };
- extern _IO_istream_withassign cin;
- // clog->rdbuf() == cerr->rdbuf()
- extern _IO_ostream_withassign cout, cerr;
- extern _IO_ostream_withassign clog
- __asm__ ("__IO_clog")
- #endif
- ;
- extern istream& lock(istream& ins);
- extern istream& unlock(istream& ins);
- extern ostream& lock(ostream& outs);
- extern ostream& unlock(ostream& outs);
- struct Iostream_init { } ; // Compatibility hack for AT&T library.
- inline ios& dec(ios& i)
- { i.setf(ios::dec, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
- inline ios& hex(ios& i)
- { i.setf(ios::hex, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
- inline ios& oct(ios& i)
- { i.setf(ios::oct, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
- } // extern "C++"
- #endif /*!_IOSTREAM_H*/